Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Early March rain and wind

The weather guessers have, unfortunately, been mostly correct since we have been here. They predicted the cold spell and were definitely accurate about that and they predicted 2 days of rain beginning Sunday and at the moment they are on target! We had quite a lot of rain along with strong winds last night, strong winds all day today with intermittent rain, sun and cloud so far. It's warmer though; 18°C today and that sort of temperature is expected for the next several days - which is definitely good. This is the first year since I have been coming here that I have not worn shorts or short sleeves in the first couple of weeks, so to me it feels like an unusually cool beginning.

Today (Monday) very strong winds and intermittent rain have kept us in most of the day, though I did go to the beach for a short time this morning, and this afternoon I walked the beach for about half an hour. Made a few photos while on the beach as well as from the apartment this morning, some of which are included here.

Remember the breakwater covered with green moss? Here, right and below, it is looking very different buried in roiling water!
Ruth and I also walked to the bakery to pick up some snacks for tonights' game of Sequence with Jean and John. The walk went well for Ruth and she feels her discomfort is less each day, which is great. We got caught in a bit of rain on the way home from the bakery, but missed the downpour which came on almost as soon as we got inside the apartment!
John and I had beautiful weather for our walk this morning  (Tuesday) with sun and a distinctly more pleasant temperature. But this afternoon we had a brief rain shower and the wind has returned to whip up the ocean into substantial waves and, as we are closer to the ocean here than we were at Club Oceano, the sound of the waves pounding the beach is very loud and on occasion the percussive effect can almost be felt.
The photo to the left was made this morning on our walk, so even this morning the wind was working its magic with the water, though the sun kept the temperature very pleasant. Love those waves and spray but wouldn't want to be out on that water!

More tranquil water from a several mornings ago and below is the sun that is providing the light on old town.
We are looking forward to the arrival tomorrow morning of our friend Rose and in preparation are off to do a bit of grocery shopping to get some basics for her larder. The rain seems to have passed and the sun is pouring into our living room, so likely safe to head out to the Pingo Doce!

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