Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More Thanksgiving photos

See earlier post for the first set of Thanksgiving photos. In this post the first photo is Ruth and Shayla disseminating Milkweed seeds, then Ryan in front of three or four beautiful maples, three is enroute home from the walk and four is just before Thanksgiving dinner.
The blogger requires low resolution photos - creating those files reduces the intensity of the colors so they appear a bit muted on the blog. Envision slightly more intense colours, especially the reds, than you see on your computer screen.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanksgiving, 2008

This was a great Thanksgiving weekend! Shared with Ann, Pat, Shayla and Ryan and Vic and Babs and Sheila Harms.

The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm all weekend so as much time as possible was spent outside walking, canoeing, kayaking, reading, snoozing, talking, catching up on dictations; and inside, eating, playing crokinole, taking swimming officiating exams, more snoozing, etc.

No one went in swimming on purpose though there were a couple of involuntary partial immersions.

The foliage colors were quite spectacular this year - hard to remember from one year to the next, but this one definitely seems to be one of the best.

A few photos give a glimpse of the colour around Patterson Point this year.