Friday, March 15, 2013

Departures, progress and shells

Following our Monday trip to Sevilla, Rose had one more day before departure. Tuesday morning was windy and overcast with intermittent rain so no walk on the beach. John suggested a city bus ride to give Rose a glimpse of the rest of the town of Albufeira and a rainy morning seemed a perfect time for it - so for a relaxing hour we joined high school students and other citizens of Albufeira on the bus.

The rain abated so later in the day Rose and I walked on the beach to old town - Ruth took the bus and met us there. After a bit of last minute shopping for Rose we took one of our favourite walks to a high point in the western part of old town.
Caught Rose trying to persuade her camera to behave.

By the way - don't forget to click on any photo to see a larger and better image.
More discussion with the camera.

Then home for wine and snacks at the Wheeler's place, farewells to Rose who still had final preparations for a 5:15 am bus to Faro for the flight home and "poof" - she was gone! How quickly a week passes.

So, Wednesday morning was departure time - Rose left for home and Jean and John left for Lisboa - and we have had to survive on our own for a few days.

But, we have managed. We walked in to old town Wednesday and accomplished a few errands including sending some postcards and doing some grocery shopping - the first time Ruth has walked there and back home since we have been here this year - so her leg/hip difficulties seem to be lessening a bit each day. And yesterday, Thursday, we went to the beach - again, a first for Ruth this year. No photos to prove it, but, trust me, we were there.
And, speaking of the beach - I mentioned a couple of blog posts ago that, like last year, there are bunches of shells being gathered by the ocean at several locations along the beach and there seem to be more shells every day. (These must be part of Steven Wright's collection of shells :-) Remember him? The monotone comedian that claims he has a large shell collection - it is on beaches all over the world.)

People visit these areas throughout the day to find and pick up their favourite shells - tough to decide with such a rich and endless variety of sizes, shapes and colours!
But I don't decide - I just make lots of photos and that way I get a great collection of shells - without having to clean off the sand and find a place for them in my suitcase.
This morning, for example, there was a beautiful sunrise and excellent light on my shell collections. The best of all worlds!

And, for the record, I found these shells in place as you see them.
And, at the other end of the beach.... the other end of the sunrise!

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