Sunday, August 24, 2008

Quiet time

Shayla stayed with us for a few days after Ann and Ryan left - this is the first time we have had the opportunity to be with her on her own. It was fun for us and I hope for Shayla. She did lots of crafts with Ruth, helped with meals and she helped me with projects like putting a preservative on the cedar siding on the gazebo. We went for walks, played lots of games, Shayla and I went canoeing one day and Ruth and Shayla went to Perth together and Shayla got Ruth into the water!
Shayla is now back home and things are quiet until Rick and Joanne get here the Tuesday after Labour Day.
Not many photos but there is one to document Ruth's swim and one of Shalya in her water colours "lesson". A Great Blue Heron flew into the bay and "perched" on a rock while we were eating dinner in the gazebo and that same evening there was a unique red sunset in a virtually cloudless sky.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Beautiful sunset. Glad you guys had fun together. I wish I could have hung out a while longer... Ah well, maybe Thanksgiving!
