Saturday, June 21, 2008

More Gazebo

More work on the gazebo and cabin today. Beautiful day, sunny and warm.
Started on the gazebo with completion of the beams around the top, completing the knee wall (nearly) and putting plywood cover on the knee wall. We decided that we would try leaving the plywood off the knee wall on the south to provide a view of both the lake and the shoreline.
Later in the morning the guys did some additional work on the gables and "skirt" on the cabin before Andy left. This addition changes the look of the cabin quite a bit. Later, after Andy left, Rick and Ron finished the "skirt", or nearly completed it - part was left open to provide access for the electricity.
After a bit of a break Rick and Ron drew up the pattern for the curved rafters for the roof of the gazebo. It is going to be very cool.
Tomorrow we could see some roofing on both the cabin and the gazebo, depending on the weather.
The photos show the changes in the gazebo since yesterday and one photo of the cabin with plywood cover and "skirt" in place.
More tomorrow.

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