And there is not much to say about these except that I very much like the ones I have posted here.
We are delighted that Drew and Julia arrived Wednesday morning and we look forward to a fun time with them for the week that they will be here. So look for blogs with commentary and photos about the visit, the plans for which are being developed.
The first order of business after they checked in was a trip to the beach where Julia was totally captivated by shells, of which she gathered many - a good sized bag full, which she brought back to the apartment. Immediately the shells were on the balcony table being subjected to surface modification with coloured markers, a project that occupied Julia and Ruth for a couple of hours.
After a break for lunch, getting settled in their apartment and a period of sleep catch up time it was back to the beach for some digging and sand castle building. Unfortunately I neglected to take my camera on these beach outings so there are no photos :-(. An urgent physiological function call terminated the afternoon beach activities and back at the apartment shell art resumed, this time with 3 participants.
This morning, Thursday, Ruth and Julia are going on a city bus ride to pick up some materials for arts and crafts and Drew is off for a run. Later today, we will meet with Ana, our JM Vacations rep, and finalize our trip plans for the coming week - a trip to the western Algarve and one to either Seville, Spain, or Lisbon - to be decided. The rest of the time Drew and Julia are here we hope will be relaxing time on the beach and elsewhere in Albufeira.
A couple of hours following Drew and Julia's departure on the 19th we board the train for Setúbal for 3 days. So the next blogs will be focussed on Drew and Julia's visit and what we find in Setúbal where we will be staying in a fortress, built in the 17th century by King Philip II of Spain, now an elegant looking Pousada de São Filipe,
Stay tuned.
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